Medicinal Plants

Piet is an adept, proficient, skilled & knowledgable when it comes to Medicinal Plants in Southern Africa. Growing up and living amounst these plants in its natural environment, identifying, using & even communicating with them is a normal part of the daily life of a bushman.

Though most of Piet’s real life experience with medicinal plants are in the Northern parts of Southern Africa. Most of this knowledge is easily transferable to the other parts of Africa or the world as many of the characteristics are the same. Piet has travelled to many other countries and found himself in comfort in rural South America with this transfer of knowledge with the help of local’s from that region.

Piet has been invited to gathering’s of world indigenous people where knowledge is exchanged between locals from all over the world – and this very fact is highlighted where every country has a medicinal plant that is similar to another country however more targeting for the locality and circumstance.

With Bushman Song the vision is for this ancient knowledge to be shared and revived. Piet is able to give talks on the topic of Medicinal Plants & curates Nature walks where a lot of this knowledge gets transferred.

Make a booking to get the full experience on Natural Plants.